Applying to Med/PA School, Medical Careers
What Pre-Med Extracurriculars Are Ivy League Students Doing Right Now?: A LinkedIn Analysis
About The Atlantis Team
We offer helpful, informative content to the next generation of healthcare professionals, so that they can achieve their goals, avoid common pitfalls, and grow in their passion for healthcare.
Applying to pre-med school takes more than simply having top grades and competitive test scores. Extracurriculars can help distinguish pre-med applicants during the admissions process and show they are passionate about the medical field. The pre-health track is incredibly competitive no matter the school you apply to, and these activities demonstrate a commitment to medical studies beyond the classroom.
Not every extracurricular will make sense for pre-med students who are serious about gaining experience. The best non-collegiate activities for these students are ones that help them practice and refine the AAMC competencies that we discuss in more detail here. All of us here at Atlantis certainly care a lot about making the most of pre-med extracurricular time, which is why we designed our shadowing abroad programs in a way to make the most of a few weeks.
With so many extracurricular activities to choose from, we realize it can be difficult to narrow it down to the few that can resonate with admissions the most (and fit into your demanding schedule). We believe that by understanding what activities pre-med students at ivy league universities are doing right now, you can better understand which ones schools value in general (but always remember that the extracurriculars you choose must also be enjoyable for you).
Why Ivy?
There is no denying that incredible doctors come out of every school. That being said, for our purposes, we choose to look at pre-med students who attended Ivy League Universities because looking at the top can be beneficial to every student (but keep in mind that a true passion for medicine is what really determines the success of your career).
Students at elite schools have some of the best resources available, unbiased advisors, and (objectively) some of the best success rates when it comes to having students attend medical school. We believe that by researching the real profiles of Ivy League students, you can gain the best insight into the extracurriculars that may help your career the most and stand out when applying to medical school.
Our Methodology
It is no secret that LinkedIn is the top resource hub for working professionals to network, and more importantly for our case, share their experiences at school and work. However, we also know it can be difficult for busy pre-med students to analyze dozens of profiles for the information that is most relevant to them.
We searched for students on LinkedIn that attend the top Ivy League schools that are known for their pre-med programs (Yale, Stanford, Columbia) to see the extracurriculars they highlight. Note that, for privacy, we will (1) never mention individual profiles and (2) never mention trends that are so unique that their source would be easily identifiable.
Keep in mind also that not everyone’s extracurriculars are listed on LinkedIn and that these numbers may slightly understate the percentages.
Starting With The Facts
We found just over two dozen profiles on LinkedIn that matched our criteria. After analyzing them, we found the majority of these Ivy League pre-med students participated in extracurriculars that fit into four distinct buckets: Research (60%), Volunteer Work (40%), Science Competitions (25%), Internships (32%).
Let’s explore each in turn.
Research (60%)
After analyzing the LinkedIn profiles of dozens of Ivy League pre-med students, the most common theme among their extracurriculars was research. The majority of these students are participating in undergraduate research at their university and highlighting their experience on the professional networking site.
More specifically, pre-meds are working under the guidance of a professor at these prestigious schools to compile and analyze data in the medical field. Most of these students are researching a topic in the medical field that they are passionate about and that is related to their majors, such as biological anthropology or inflammasome therapy. Yale advisors explain that “Research opportunities in the medical school range from basic research in biology and biochemistry to epidemiological research involving the transmission of tropical diseases.”
There’s truly a research opportunity tailored to a student’s interest. The outcomes from this experience can include specific publications, proposed treatments, and datasets that serve as the foundation of their career in medicine.
Many of these pre-med students are participating in undergraduate research during their sophomore and/or junior year of school. By this time, students have an understanding of the health niche they are the most interested in and can find a research opportunity that helps them gain more experience working with it.
(As an aside, studying abroad can also help students explore their particular interests and passions in a safe, research-drive, and hands-on environment. A large share of our alumni went abroad with us earlier in college, and that is because Atlantis programs come in many lengths and are always during breaks such as summer break or winter break, fitting into many schedules regardless of your class year.)
Volunteer Work (40%)
Another commonality between the extracurriculars of Ivy League pre-meds is volunteer work. The majority of profiles we reviewed included current participation in not-for-profit experiences. This may not come as a surprise, but most pre-med students we profiled are currently volunteering in the medical field or at hospitals. Many students are volunteer EMTs to help meet the emergency response needs of their campus and the surrounding community.
Other students are volunteering at medical centers and emergency rooms. Remember, however, that pre-meds are not licensed to provide medical care yet. Most volunteer their time to help these facilities manage intake and patient requests. They may also help patrol the facilities and answer requests from patients, assist nurses and doctors with certain tasks (such as ensuring the cleanliness of the facility), and sort through paperwork.
Pre-med students volunteer their time throughout their time at university. Consider this extracurricular during a semester or year where you have the time to devote to helping in the medical field, making connections, and gaining experience. While volunteer positions are typically unpaid and unaccredited, they can be great to put on your resume when applying for internships, jobs, and graduate programs.
Science Competitions (25%)
Many universities (not just those in the Ivy League) have clubs and societies that can help pre-med students gain recognition for their work and contributions. While these are important extracurriculars in their own right, a handful of pre-med students at top institutions are highlighting their achievements made possible by joining these organizations.
According to Princeton advisors “Science competitions, can be the pinnacle of a pre-med scholar’s extracurricular portfolio. Through these events, students conduct experiments, independent research, and more, either independently or on teams, showing off their scientific prowess.”
If you are in your first year of school and have yet to obtain a leadership position or opportunity to attend a science/research competition, still consider joining a club or society and including it as part of your LinkedIn profile.
Winning awards or having a leadership role are not the only things these pre-meds promote. Throughout their experience with competitions and clubs, they discuss the impact they are making on the organization and how it helps them hone their interpersonal and science AAMC competencies.
Internships (32%)
Internships are something that nearly every pre-med student at an Ivy League institution has completed or needs to complete, so it is no surprise that it is a common theme among their LinkedIn profiles (though it’s important to note that since the profiles are of current students, many may be planning on studying abroad but have not yet, so this number is likely higher for graduates).
From healthcare startups to regional hospitals and private labs, pre-med students are currently interning in niche positions in the medical field that align with their major and career goals. Internships, and especially physician shadowing, provide invaluable experience for students who are serious about medicine.
Incidentally, we have discovered that more than one out of every ten U.S. pre-health advisors has visited in-person one or more of Atlantis’ shadowing abroad programs in Europe and beyond. As an alternative to an internship, this more flexible program still helps pre-med students gain real-world experience and improve their AAMC competencies while abroad.
Interested in taking full advantage of clinical shadowing? Explore international opportunities with Atlantis by starting your application process today!
Atlantis does not imply an endorsement from these institutions; however, it seeks to disseminate important truths about medical admissions to as many pre-health students as possible, in order to help students navigate the often stressful pre-health path
Our Alumni Enter Great Medical Schools

John Daines
- Atlantis '17
- Brigham Young University '19
- Washington U. in St. Louis MD '23

Zoey Petitt
- Atlantis '17
- U. of Arizona '18
- Duke MD '23

Zoey Petitt
Hungary ’17 || University of Arizona (undergraduate) ’18
Completed Atlantis Program Location and Date:
Hungary, Summer 2017
Do you believe your Atlantis experience helped you get into your graduate program?
I believe it was very helpful.
Generally, why do you think Atlantis helped you get into your graduate program?
For me, my Atlantis experience played a key role in confirming my decision to go into medicine. This was important for me to discuss during the admissions process.
Specifically, did you talk about Atlantis in your interviews?

Yong-hun Kim
- Atlantis '17
- Stanford '19
- Mayo Clinic MD '24

Yong-Hun Kim
Budapest, Hungary ’17 || Stanford University
Budapest, Hungary – Winter 2017
Stanford University class of 2019
Computer Science
Bio-X Grant (award for research)
Undergraduate Activities:
President and Founder of Stanford Undergraduate Hospice and Palliative Care, Volunteer for Pacific Free Clinic, Research Assistant in Wernig Pathology Lab, President of Hong Kong Student Association, violin performance
Describe Atlantis in three words:
Eye-opening. Spontaneous. Exhilarating.
Why did you choose Atlantis?
I chose the Atlantis program because it combines opportunities to shadow physicians and travel abroad, both of which I had little prior exposure to.
What was your favorite experience as an Atlantis participant?
My favorite experience as an Atlantis participant came in the stories exchanged over meals or excursions and the breadth of conversation that reflected the diversity of backgrounds within our cohort and site managers.
What was the most meaningful aspect of your time shadowing?
I appreciated the chance to speak with physicians in Budapest and hear their personal motivations for pursuing medicine because it really helped better contextualize and validate my own interest in medicine. The physicians were also just really welcoming, relatable, and down-to-earth people.
How has Atlantis helped equip you for the future?
The Atlantis program has equipped me with a better understanding of what a career in medicine looks like, which I think is an invaluable gift considering the long road ahead of those who aspire to be a physician.
How has Atlantis equipped you for active leadership in the medical field?
The ability to interact and empathize with patients of diverse backgrounds and communities is a necessity to be a leader in the medical field. I think the Atlantis program, through my interactions with mentors and their patients, has helped me take my first steps toward attaining the cultural vocabulary and literacy required of a physician.

Megan Branson
- Atlantis '18
- U. of Montana '19
- U. of Washington MD '24

Sarah Emerick
- Atlantis '19
- Eckerd College '20
- Indiana U. MD '25

Snow Nwankwo
- Atlantis '19
- Catholic U. of America '21
- Georgetown U. MD '26

Tiffany Hu
- Atlantis '16
- U. of Maryland '17
- U. of Michigan MD '22

Tiffany Hu
Tereul, Spain ’16 || U Michigan Medical School
Teruel, Spain – Summer 2016
University of Maryland class of 2017
Admitted medical student at:
University of Michigan Medical School
Honors Integrated Life Sciences Program, Banneker/Key Scholarship
Extracurricular Activities:
American Medical Student Association Co-President & Advocacy Day Liaison, Alternative Breaks Experience Leader, Health Professions Advising Office Student Advisory Board, Biology Teach Assistant, Health Leads, Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, NIH Research Intern, Physicians for Social Responsibility Environment & Health Intern
Describe Atlantis in Three Words:
Educational. Eye-opening. Exhilarating.
Why did you choose Atlantis?
I wanted to expand my horizons and understand a culture of health different from the ones I am accustomed to. I had shadowed doctors in the United States and Taiwan prior to my Atlantis program experience, and being able to see first-hand the healthcare system in Spain allowed me to draw comparisons between the different complex healthcare systems.
What was your favorite experience as an Atlantis participant?
Bonding with the other participants and celebrating our time together along with the doctors we shadowed. We would discuss our interests, passions, and motivation for medicine, and it was an incredible experience to learn from and alongside them.
What was your experience with the doctors you were shadowing?
Because of the pre-established relationships with the hospitals in which we shadowed, all the doctors were very welcoming and accommodating. They were willing to translate for us and explain in detail all of their medical decisions. My doctors and I had wonderful conversations about the differences between life in Spain vs. the United States.
What was the most meaningful aspect of your time shadowing?
I was excited to scrub in on surgeries and watch as the doctor explained what he was doing throughout the operation. Before and after surgeries, as well as in my other rotations, I observed how the doctors reassured and communicated with their patients. I was able to glean insight into differences between the experience of health in Spain versus the United States through observation as well as conversations with the doctors.
How has Atlantis helped equip you for the future?
Besides the wealth of medical knowledge I gained from shadowing the doctors, I challenged myself to step outside of my cultural comfort zone and explore more than I thought I was capable of. Atlantis allowed me to make connections with people from all around the United States and abroad, and the friendships I gained helped me learn so much more than I would have on my own.

Lauren Cox
- Atlantis '18
- Louisiana Tech '20
- U. of Arkansas MD '24

Lauren Cox
Libson, Portugal ’18 || Louisiana Tech
Completed Atlantis Program Location(s):
Lisbon, Portugal
Year of most recent program:
Fall ’17 – Summer ’18
Season of most recent program:
Do you believe your Atlantis experience helped you get into your graduate program?
Extremely helpful
Generally, why do you think Atlantis helped you get into your graduate program?
It exposed me to shadowing that was hard to come by in the states. It also gave me a chance to see other systems of healthcare.
Specifically, did you talk about Atlantis in your interviews? If so, how much relative to other topics?
Yes – they wanted to know about my experience, and specifically how the healthcare I saw in another country compared to what I had seen in the USA.

Kayla Riegler
- Atlantis '18
- U. of Kentucky '20
- U. of Kentucky MD '24

About Atlantis
Atlantis is the leader in pre-health shadowing and clinical experience, offering short-term programs (1-10 weeks) over academic breaks for U.S. pre-health undergraduates. Medical schools want 3 things: (1)healthcare exposure, (2)GPA/MCAT, and (3)certain competencies. Atlantis gives you a great version of (1), frees you to focus on (2), and cultivates/shows (3) to medical school admissions committees.

Watch Video: The Atlantis Shadowing Experience and How it Helps In Your Med/PA Admissions Future

Two Atlantis alumni admitted to Top 5 MD programs wrote our widely read medical school admissions guidebook — download yours.
Get our 76-page medical school admissions guidebook, by Atlantis alumni at Harvard Medical School and Stanford School of Medicine.