Study Abroad
Pre-Med Study Abroad: A Pre-Med’s Take on the Best Websites to Help You Decide

About Marissa
Marissa is a recent graduate of Clemson University where she received her B.S. in Health Sciences. During the summer of 2019, Marissa participated in the Atlantis shadowing program in Trento, Italy, and now works as an Alumni Representative with the company. She is currently applying to medical school where she hopes to become a primary care physician.
As a pre-med student, you may be trying to decide if studying abroad is the right option for you. There is often a lot to consider, which makes the decision even tougher to make. As a pre-med student who studied abroad, I can tell you with absolute certainty that it is the best decision you will ever make. There is a whole world out there that you should explore, and I guarantee that you will come back with experiences that will help shape your perspective on healthcare.
Some of the best websites to help you decide on whether (and how) to study abroad as a pre-med
Even if you are interested in participating in a pre-med study abroad program, it can often be overwhelming trying to explore all of the options that exist. Luckily, listed below are some of the best websites to help you decide. Happy hunting!
This website, the leading study abroad directory online, is a great place to start if you are unsure what type of study abroad program is right for you. Go Overseas not only lays out the different types of study abroad programs, but they also give you tips and tricks on how to prepare or fundraise for your trip.
Your university study abroad site
My university, like many others, has an extensive list of study abroad programs. If you are worried about finding a reliable program, seeing what other students at your school have participated in may help you make your decision. You can also visit your study abroad office on campus or email an advisor for more information.
If you are like me, it is helpful to hear from your peers. Platforms like r/premed are great forums to learn and ask about study abroad programs. Additionally, many students may also have their own resources and guides that helped them decide which program was right for them.
If you are interested in what pre-medical advisors have to say about study abroad programs, you should definitely check this page out. Here, Princeton’s health professions advising team answers important questions related to studying abroad. What they say is relevant to students regardless of university.
If you are interested in a study abroad program that is dedicated to creating a strong pre-medical experience, then I highly recommend checking out Atlantis. Atlantis, which I participated in, is a program that allows you to travel abroad without having to compromise on valuable time for shadowing or other clinical experiences. Atlantis alumni have ended up at 40 of the top 50 U.S. MD programs, and the organization is the largest and most experienced pre-med study abroad program in the U.S.
Since many study abroad programs offer course credit, visiting the AAMC is a great place to start. This website provides all of the information for how to enter study abroad coursework, as well as compare and contrast different study abroad options.
If you decide to study abroad, it is crucial that you select a program that is safe for you and the country you are going to visit. Unfortunately, there are many predatory programs that exist. This means that they either aim to scam money from interested students or they create programs that are harmful to the host country. This site is an excellent resource for you to help make sure you pick a safe and reliable program.
Studying abroad is a wonderful way to make you a more well-rounded individual. Living in a different country is a great way to learn about different cultures and backgrounds, a very important skill for future physicians to develop. Additionally, if you are concerned about medical school applications, there are other extracurricular opportunities that can also strengthen your application, such as Atlantis pre-med study abroad programs that occur over school breaks. Ultimately, what you choose to pursue should be something that you enjoy. Taking the time to find unique experiences is a great way to embody the qualities medical schools are looking for.
Pre-med study abroad is an enriching opportunity. While getting into medical school may be a top priority, it is important to also remember that everything you do does not have to be related to medical school preparation. Everyone has passions and hobbies outside of medicine, and you should take advantage of the time in college to explore. Experience life! You will be a better physician for it.
Our Alumni Enter Great Medical Schools
About Atlantis
Atlantis is the leader in pre-health shadowing and clinical experience, offering short-term programs (1-10 weeks) over academic breaks for U.S. pre-health undergraduates. Medical schools want 3 things: (1)healthcare exposure, (2)GPA/MCAT, and (3)certain competencies. Atlantis gives you a great version of (1), frees you to focus on (2), and cultivates/shows (3) to medical school admissions committees.

Watch Video: The Atlantis Shadowing Experience and How it Helps In Your Med/PA Admissions Future

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