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Atlantis students outside the hospital where they are shadowing (Genoa, Italy).

Shadowing, Study Abroad

Five Places to Find Reviews on Pre-Med Study Abroad Experiences

About The Atlantis Team

We offer helpful, informative content to the next generation of healthcare professionals, so that they can achieve their goals, avoid common pitfalls, and grow in their passion for healthcare.

Deciding to study abroad is a huge step for any student, but it’s a particularly difficult decision for a pre-med student given their heavy course loads and need to take on shadowing and extracurricular activities. 

Once you’ve decided to study abroad as a pre-med student, you’ll want to make sure you’ve found the program that is right for you. There are plenty of places online that you can read reviews about pre-med study abroad programs, including: 

  1. Go Overseas: A community reviews site that provides reviews and ratings of study abroad programs and organizations, including those for pre-medical students.
  2. Abroad 101: An online directory of study abroad programs that provides ratings and reviews from past participants.
  3. Program Websites: Many study abroad programs for pre-med students have testimonials or reviews from past participants on their websites, providing a good source of information about the program and its impact.
  4. Student forums and websites: Websites like Student Doctor Network or Reddit have active communities of pre-med students and recent graduates who can provide first-hand experiences and opinions on study abroad programs. Just be cautious that forums can sometimes attract negativity in responses. 
  5. Social media groups: Facebook and LinkedIn have groups specifically for pre-medical students and aspiring physicians, many of which include discussions about study abroad experiences.

Every study abroad experience is unique so it’s always a good idea to speak to the organization’s representatives and alumni before making a decision. Here at Atlantis, the representatives you speak to prior to enrolling are alumni of our programs, so they can give you their first-hand experience and help you feel confident in your decision.

Cover of the Medical School Admissions Guide.

Two Atlantis alumni admitted to Top 5 MD programs wrote our widely read medical school admissions guidebook guidebook — download yours.

Our Alumni Enter Great Medical Schools

About Atlantis

Atlantis is the leader in pre-health shadowing and clinical experience, offering short-term programs (1-10 weeks) over academic breaks for U.S. pre-health undergraduates. Medical schools want 3 things: (1)healthcare exposure, (2)GPA/MCAT, and (3)certain competencies. Atlantis gives you a great version of (1), frees you to focus on (2), and cultivates/shows (3) to medical school admissions committees.

A student smiling and learning how to kayak.

Watch Video: The Atlantis Shadowing Experience and How it Helps In Your Med/PA Admissions Future

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Cover of the Medical School Admissions Guide.
Two Atlantis alumni admitted to Top 5 MD programs wrote our widely read medical school admissions guidebook — download yours.