Service and Real Results
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Service-Driven Internships
With Atlantis Service-Research Projects, you get to add 3 elements to your med/PA application and interviews, namely, a service opportunity, work experience with a brand name, and a unique perspective of healthcare that 90%+ of med/PA applicants do not have.
Programs run for 1–10 weeks during academic breaks in multiple European cities. Open to all pre-health students (18+) attending college or recently graduated. Beat the rush and apply today!
We offer shadowing opportunities in numerous countries, as well as Service-Research Projects in the U.S.
3 Weeks
Milan is a global hub for the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, research, and last but not least, healthcare.
3 Weeks
Rich in history and once one of the most important cities in the Roman empire, the city preserves more ancient Roman structures than any other city in Spain.
1-3 Weeks
Zaragoza is the capital of the Aragón region in northeast Spain, and it is Spain's 5th largest city, with around 665,000 inhabitants.
1-3 Weeks
Calatayud is a municipality in Zaragoza within the autonomous community of Aragón. It lies on the Jalón River and among the Sistema Ibérico mountain range.
3 Weeks
Valladolid is the largest city in the region of Castilla y León in northwestern Spain, with a population of 420,000 people. The city is situated in between two rivers, Pisuerga and Esgueva.